We just got back from watch the air show down at the lakefront in Milwaukee. I've been wanting to see the Thunderbirds (or Blue Angels...I'm not fussy) since forever, and we finally did it today. We spent several hours watching different aircraft maneuvers and I am in awe. Who could possibly pilot a plane upside down? Or, better yet, who could pilot a plane while summersaulting
in the air? Who could fly an airplane, or in the case of the thunderbirds, a jet, in precise and extremely close formations? How do these guys do it? How do they even begin, and aren't they completely nauseated by the time their "show" is over? These are questions for others to ponder, but for me, it was really a thrill, and I'm so happy that Roger enjoyed it as much as I did.
It's a bit embarrassing to look at my previous posts and see that it's been so long since I've written anything here. In my defense, I do write in a personal journal most every night, so I'm not a total lost cause. This summer has been great. Two babies born (one coming in October) and lots of opportunities to baby sit...literally. Then there was the family night at the zoo, which is always a highlight...too bad this year our Chrissy was unable to make it. However, she had a painting on display at the art center in Rochester, and while we were eating our way through the zoo and enjoying every minute of it, Chrissy was hobnobbing with the high rollers and selling her picture. Win/win for all of us. Way to go, Chrissy.
We've had grandchildren spend the night, and in a couple of weeks, we'll have 3 more come for a couple of days, and we're really looking forward to their visit. I haven't been golfing even once, and I'm making it my personal goal to get a lesson and get out there for at least a few times. There is nothing wrong with golfing in the fall.
People talk about the lazy days of summer. Exactly what do they mean by that? Lazy? Hmmm. Perhaps we'll talk about that on a later post.
It's cutting time
12 years ago