Friday, April 23, 2010

We're all in this together

So us girls all piled in the car(mini van) and off we went into the friendly and familiar highways leading to Rochester, Mn.  After all, one of us was a damsel in distress, and who should come to her rescue, but five more damsels and one cute little boy.  It was great to see Chrissy again.  It was great being altogether.  Lily and Max were the best travelers, and they played together so nicely.  We all pitched in to help out as we could, and our reward was a delicious dinner at the Olive Garden.  Yum!  Plus, we all got to view Chrissy's painting at the Zumbrato gallery, and we all agreed it is a thing of beauty.  We also got to drive by Chrissy and Jeff's new's so cute, and the neighborhood is what Jeff describes as apple pie America...a real classy place.
Sadly the time passed quickly and soon we were in the van again heading for home.  Heidi arrived at her home at 2:00.  Brittany, about 4:00.  Greta, about 5:30, and I rolled in at 6:30,  Loooong drive, but well worth the trip. Now, smile, it's Candid Camera time.
And this?   Just a little something I put together after I got back home. :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Has Brought Us Such a Nice Surprise

What happens when you go away for the day?  Magic.  Just like the Elves and the Shoemaker...magic happens.  Bulbs are planted, spring comes, and Voila!!!!!  A plethora of flowers planted by Roger and hidden away until now.  Happy Spring.  Thanks so much, Roger.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


So often we take everyday things for our health, our families, our homes, our hands.  Yes, I said, our hands.
This week Roger and I went to Rochester to be with Chrissy and Jeff while Chrissy was undergoing some very intricate, but necessary hand surgery.  This is her right HAND..her dominant HAND...the infamous HAND that creates those beautiful paintings we all know and love.  It looked perfectly healthy on the outside.  On the inside, however, it was not a pretty sight.  Two and a half hours of surgery, plus a metal plate and several little screws later, that beautiful HAND was wrapped up like a mummy.  Less than 24 hours later, we were back at the ER because of that HAND.  Now it had swollen so badly, that it was not getting the circulation that it needed.  The cast was removed.  Whew, what a relief!  A new one was formed.  And Chrissy was a tired, but happy girl once again.  We are so grateful for Mayo Clinic and all the hands that helped Chrissy get her HAND repaired. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter time

Wow!!!! What a wonderful Easter we had.  Everyone was here for it, and I had a great time...hopefully so did everyone else. :)

We decorated eggs, we had an egg hunt, we watched Conference and even had a few snacks (until Blinky took them away).

Chrissy honored us with some of her art.  Family for Heidi, Joey Crossing for Joey, and a bunch of onions for me!!!  Thank you Chrissy!!!!!!!!

Dinner was was the company...17 for dinner and everything got eaten up.  Ham, chicken, twice baked potatoes, scalloped corn, Jello eggs (mmmmm, eggs) and brownie hot fudge sundaes for dessert.

Everyone made it to their respective homes safely, and so all in all, it was a memorable and fun filled Easter.
At the end of the day, however, we were all ready for a nice, long, nap!!
Night, night, Joey.  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ