Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter time

Wow!!!! What a wonderful Easter we had.  Everyone was here for it, and I had a great time...hopefully so did everyone else. :)

We decorated eggs, we had an egg hunt, we watched Conference and even had a few snacks (until Blinky took them away).

Chrissy honored us with some of her art.  Family for Heidi, Joey Crossing for Joey, and a bunch of onions for me!!!  Thank you Chrissy!!!!!!!!

Dinner was delicious...so was the company...17 for dinner and everything got eaten up.  Ham, chicken, twice baked potatoes, scalloped corn, Jello eggs (mmmmm, eggs) and brownie hot fudge sundaes for dessert.

Everyone made it to their respective homes safely, and so all in all, it was a memorable and fun filled Easter.
At the end of the day, however, we were all ready for a nice, long, nap!!
Night, night, Joey.  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


  1. We all had a great time! I'm happy you liked my art! See you tomorrow!

  2. Cute post, Mom! I love the pictures. Thanks for hosting Easter...we had a lot of fun.

  3. Next year we'll run it a little differently. i'll take an ambien and sail thru dinner and jello eggs all the way thru to the brownie fudge sundae...no anxieties...no worries..and then when you're all ready to crash, I'll get my dancing shoes on and put you all to shame!!!
