Friday, July 16, 2010


Well, this turned out much better than I expected.  In fact, you might say I'm still reeling from the shock of it all.  It  all began a couple of weeks ago when I received the dreaded driver's liscense renewal form.  This happens every 8 years, and it's nothing short of a trauma.  You have to go to the DMV...the horrible, dreadful, DMV, stand in line forever, only to be treated like crud by the people who work at the motor vehicle department.

I decided to end the worry, tough it up, and just go in today.  I planned it so I'd get there around 11:00 am, hopefully before people decided to come in on their lunch hour.  Imagine my surprise when I pulled in to the parking lot and there were only 3 cars there.  As I was getting out of my car, people came out the door.  Could this be possible?

I warily walked in and saw to my complete surprise, that the entire place had been nice...and that no one was standing in line.  Did you get that?  NO ONE, not any, nil, zip people were in line.
So I walked up to the red line you're supposed to wait behind, and I was called right up to a window.  The vision test took no more than 15 seconds.  I paid for my license and was told to take a seat so I could get my picture taken.  I was sitting for less than 1 minute when my name was called.  The nice lady took my picture and I sat down.   One minute later I had my new license and I walked out the door.  I still can't believe it!   I called Roger to tell him and he couldn't believe it either.  Besides the fact that the whole thing took such little time, the DMV people were actually nice to me.  DMV and NICE don't usually go together.  They do today!  I'm one happy camper, and  I'm good for another eight years!!!! Surprise!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My dear friends have returned

This morning Roger and I went for our usual walk in Harrington Beach Park.  He took along some sunflower seeds just in case we heard a cardinal or a chickadee.  We were talking together and I happened to look behind me and there was my dear deer friend...the one we've been feeding for several years now...the one I pet last winter.  She casually strolls out of the woods with her two spotted fawns and walks right up to me.
We gave her some sunflower seeds for a reward!!!  Deer never do least they've never done that to us.  Typically, the doe has her baby, disappears, and when winter comes and the food is tight, she magically reappears with her fawn(s).  My little buddy walked right up to us with both her babies in tow.  Even Roger was impressed by that performance.

Ah, yes, just another day in the park.

Friday, July 9, 2010

So Much To Do...So Little Time

Whew!  It's been quite a busy week.  We started out in Baraboo.  Hung out with the Justus's and later the Krehbiels came, followed by the Klumbs (Roger & Brittany), and finally rounding out our family with the coming of the Meeusens.  Molly was blessed by her father.  Then it was over to Heidi's for a birthday party for Molly.  Everyone was there, including Eric's parents, Sharon and Jim Justus.   After eating and more eating, we all watched in awe as Molly selected a golf ball from a tray of items placed in front of her.  According to Korean tradition, whatever she chooses indicates the path her life will this case, that of an athlete, much to her father's sheer joy!

That was on Sunday.  On Monday Roger and I were off to Rochester to help Chrissy and Jeff move into their new home!!!  What a wonderful house they picked, and judging by all the work they're doing, it will truly be a home in short order.  Unfortunately, we took only 2 pictures as both their new house and their old townhouse are in varying stages of moving...hence, boxes piled high, no pictures on the walls, etc.  Wait until you see it though, you'll all be impressed.  Oh, and before Roger chastizes me, we did make a trip to Austin, MN, home of the SPAM museum!

We left Rochester Wednesday morning, arriving home about 1:30pm.  Then I remembered.  Our good friends, John and Maria, were coming to dinner the next evening.  What exactly did this mean for me?  It meant doing laundry (we had been gone since Saturday), vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathrooms, and making the dessert for Thursday night's dinner.   That was all done Wednesday evening while Roger was at a
meeting at Lake Michigan Ward.

Thursday we went for a walk, I picked a pile of lettuce from our garden and cleaned it, ran to the grocery store, frosted the cake I'd made the night before, set the table, made dinner and...ding dong!  There they were, but I was ready.

So, in celebration of the aforementioned events,  I snapped a couple of pictures for all to enjoy.

  And now...Friday night...I'm making cookies and then putting my feet up as I savor a few minutes of reading and doing very little else.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Notice Anything Now?

All we wanted was a little piece of brick to set our grill and our fire pit on.  What we got is 2 days of backbreaking artistic work that we just love!!!!  The green around the edges is covering the grass seed...yes, they even seeded after they were done.  Amazing!!!!