Thursday, December 31, 2009

Where Is Everyone?

The tree is still up, but some of the decorations are gone...packed away until next November when I pull them out, put them up way too early, but have the pleasure of enjoying them all for almost two months.

This was probably the best Christmas ever, and I'm sorry it's over. I didn't want this one to ever end. But end they do, and now it is New Year's Eve, and for the first time in thirty seven years Roger and I are celebrating the night by ourselves.
It's not really our choice. Yours truly has been hit hard with just about every kind of short term illness that tends to really bring you down. So the long and short of it is that since I'm not really feeling good enough to go out, we're staying in and celebrating as we did before we had children. Um...not exactly the same way. In those days we'd stop at the local liquor store for some bubbly and then let the celebration begin. Not to be outdone by the good old days, we have some bubbly this year too...sparkling grape juice. Not the same...just a little different.

I know Roger and I will enjoy ourselves tonight...we do like doing things together...but it will be different. Not that that's a bad thing. Next year's end will find us back to partying at the Krehbiel's annual New Year's Ever bash.

This year, however, we're saying, "Where Is Everyone?"

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A New Face

Wow! It's hard to believe, but the day I look forward to all year has come and gone. What a wonderful Christmas it was. Everyone was home for the occasion, we all enjoyed ourselves, the grand kids saw Santa on Christmas Eve, all the grandchildren (except for Joey) are now proud owners of their own sleeping bags, and we're happy and content. Now that makes for a memorable day.

Speaking of memorable days, 2 days before Christmas, Christina came over and Roger walked out of the kitchen to make a phone call. Chrissy says to me, "what happened to Dad's moustache?" I tore into the living room, got right up to Roger's face and almost fainted. He had shaved his moustache of 40+ years and I hadn't noticed. The sad fact is that he had shaved it the morning before Chrissy came over. So, for 1 and a half days, I never noticed that the facial hair that has graced my husband's face for so long was gone. Now I've always prided myself in being rather aware of my surroundings and taking notice of new things. How did I miss this one? I'll never know, but around our household there is a new face and mine is bright red!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And Then There Were Sixteen

As I wrote in my Christmas cards this past week, I bragged about all my children and all my grandchildren, and explained that we soon would have an addition to our growing family in the form of a baby from South Korea. So it is with great excitement to have learned today that our new little baby will be a girl!!!! We were so hoping that Lara would get to have a roommate and a little sister, and it's going to happen. So we're very anxious to meet our new family member, Molly Jo Lynn, and welcome her into the family!

As Christmas is getting closer, the baking has begun...well, sort of. After messing up big time with the first batch of Scotch shortbreads, I tossed out the whole thing and started over, only to have to toss that one too. So, tomorrow is supposed to bring a snowstorm, and what an opportune time to bake!! So, wish me luck as I attempt for the third time to make the easiest cookie in the world!

I got to talk to both of my granddaughters today, and both are looking forward to the snowstorm. In the Justus family, they're going to make fudge, watch movies, play outside, etc.

In the Krehbiel family they're going to eat snacks, stomp in the snow, if they can, and just have fun staying around the house enjoying being hold up.

As for us, a little baking, maybe another batch of chex mix, more mint meringues, lots of snowblowing for poor Roger, and lots of snacks for the two of us.

As for Chrissy and Jeff, we worry about getting Willy and Eddie to go out in the storm. As for Roger and Brittany and Jeff and Adam, we worry about them getting to work in the storm. We're not at all worried about Eric, because we know his plans. :)

Looks like we're going to have another white Christmas! Who can complain about that?