Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Twilight Zone

I've been reading my daughters' blogs and they're so fun. Now I feel that I just have to write something, although I have absolutely no idea what to write about.
Oh yes I do.

Something very interesting happened to me last week. I was having lunch with some of my friends. We were all enjoying lunch and good conversation.

All of a sudden things started to change...I was getting soooo tired. I could feel that I was fading fast...not just trying to keep my eyes open...I'd already stopped that...but fading in the true sense of the word. I was just about asleep, right there in the restaurant when one of my friends came to my rescue and suggested I go home and get some rest. Fifteen loooong minutes later I was finally able to pull myself out of the booth, stand up, and walk out the door to my car and FREEDOM. As soon as I was outside my energy returned. I did a little shopping, went home, took a 15 minute power nap and I was good to go. Weird or what?
I guess we'll never know, but now I have some appreciation for the "twilight zone".
I think I spent a little time there during lunch last week.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Slooooow Down

Did you ever have trouble getting off a treadmill when it's running fast and you can't stop it? I haven't, but I can imagine what it's like because I experienced something like it last week.

I was going, going, going, and couldn't seem to unwind, or slow down, or calm down.
It had been a hectic few days of teaching lessons and doctor's appointments and lab visits, etc. Part of the ride had been so much fun, like the lessons I taught. Part of the ride, on the other hand, had been a bit frightening.

Finally, it all came to a screeching halt when I was minding my own business on the treadmill of life that I couldn't seem to slow down, when all of a sudden the motor
died and there I was, falling asleep at lunch in a restaurant with three other ladies. I couldn't seem to roust myself, and finally one of my lunch friends suggested that I go home and get some rest.

It wasn't really rest I needed, as much as time to unwind and stop running.

I'm happy to report that I took time out to calm down, settle, take her easy, and just enjoy. Roger & I went to a movie, I did some fun shopping, I finished a wonderful book I was reading, and I took time to breathe and enjoy what's going on around me. And, guess what? I'm looking forward to another week of doing the same thing!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Inspiring Thoughts and an Inspiring Day

Today has been a very special day. Our new church meetinghouse was dedicated today.
In addition, it was Branch Conference, and all the talks were uplifting and well put together. It has been a day of personal gratitude for the inspiration I received and witnessed.

In Relief Society on Ward Conference Day, the Relief Society President speaks for 10-15 minutes, followed by the Stake President, who turns the time over to the Stake Relief Society President for the remainder of the meeting. I did not participate in today's program, but I was still very much affected by it. Chris Wolski, RS Pres, began by telling us that at the last minute she felt prompted to change her planned talk on "goals" to one of sharing her conversion story, a story that involved other RS sisters reaching out to her to help her on her journey as a new convert. Jan Fritz, (Stake RS Pres) talked about how she had planned for 6 months to speak on a certain subject, only to be feeling that wasn't what she was supposed to focus on. So, like Chris, in the 11th hour, Jan changed her talk to focus on sisters in Zion working together, helping each other, being friends to each other, etc.This will be her talk for all the upcoming Ward and Branch Conferences this year. So, Chris and Jan ended up unknowingly talking about the same thing, but in tandem, not duplication. It was a wonderful lesson, and very inspiring.

Where do I fit into all this? Well, last week Jan Fritz asked me to represent the RS President in the City Branch on Sunday, Jan 17th, and to talk for 10-15 minutes.
I, too, had something in mind to talk about. Like Chris and Jan experiences, the Lord had something else in mind for me. I felt prompted to sit down at my computer one night last week and write my talk. I didn't make a rough draft. I just started typing. In less that an hour, my talk was done, and until today, I didn't realize how inspired I had been. My talk was about the six sisters who loved me into the church, and how RS Sisters in partnership with God lift souls and help spirits live.
(The same thing Chris and Jan discussed today). I don't recall another time where the inspiration was so direct and so apparent as it was to me today. I'm very grateful for this special inspiring day.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A New Year

After reading my daughter, Heidi's, blog, I was inspired to pen a few words of my own. Her new year's goal is to eat healthier...and by doing that her whole family will be eating healthier as well.

That's one of my goals, as well. Not just for the new year, but for life. Our good friends, Maria and John, eat very healthily, and since becoming friends with them, I have been trying to do the same. Let's just ignore the amount of sweets I consumed this past Christmas season. I'll admit it was over the top, and I'll leave it at that

I have written several long range and short range goals for myself, but I refuse to write them here,knowing that at least 4 people will be checking up on me. So I keep them in my planner with plans to check them daily to see how I'm measuring up.

It was difficult putting 2009 to bed...especially Christmas, 2009. But I finally am able to put it to rest. On to 2010 with new goals, a clean slate, and a Big Mac combo waiting in the wings for Chrissy.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Once again, where is everyone?

Okay, so Dad and I are scheduled to clean at church today. This is only the second week of cleaning. They asked us last week but no can do...had a boat load of people over. So they got Dale Matthies and 3 others to help her. So Roger and I, drag ourselves from sick bay and head over to church to do some very "light cleaning". 2 hours later I'm still doing toilets and sinks and Roger is still draggin the vacuum cleaner all over the place. Did I mention dusting,but no dust cloths? Did I mention mopping floors? With a ginormous mop that when wet weighs 10 pounds? Did I also mention that our building has 3 bathrooms..well I missed the third because I didn't know it was there.
Anyway, 2 hours later we're driving home asking questions. Our last name doesn't begin with "A" or "B". How come we were selected? Dale Matthies was also chosen but "M" comes after "A" "B" and "g", so how did they decide how this process should start. We figures they put their fingers in a directory and where it landed, that was us. So ladies and gentlemen, mark those calendars. We put in our time today on only the 2nd day of January, so we should be good until at least October. ask any earlier, and it won't be a pretty scene. Once again I'm asking, where is everyone? Dale had a crew of 4. Ours was a paltry 2, and 2 sickies at that. Where did everyone go? Aha, a new mystery for the world to solve!!