Thursday, February 25, 2010

Going My way

I'm writing this without any idea of what I'm about to say. My kids and my daughter-in-law are doing such a nice job of blogging, that I feel I need to keep up. My life is not as exciting as theirs, I'm afraid, so that presents a bit of a dilemma. I want to write, but what should I write that would be interesting, yet profound, or at least a bit humorous. Well, how about this?

Today as I was driving to Sheboygan minding my own business, but certainly paying attention to the road, I was a bit surprised to see a car coming towards me on my side of the highway. Had I been asleep at the switch and crossed to the other side? I didn't think so. So, what was going on? Specifically, was this really happening to me? I only had a few seconds to think, when all at once, right before my eyes appeared an exit ramp. I had been so focused on the crazy car coming at me, that I hadn't noticed I was near an exit...and actually MY exit. So I did what any normal driver would do and casually swerved over to the right (checking my mirrors, first of course) and got out of the runaway car before he crashed into me.

I watched to see what happened, but he was gone. I turned on the radio later on, but no news of an accident on the highway. Now this was really puzzling. What had just happened here?

I drove home just a little leery of running into another car going the wrong way, but happily that didn't happen. I was scared. My heart was racing and beating so hard I started sweating. Pretty soon I was kicking my legs to free myself of the covers that were wrapped around my legs. Huh? I thought of pinching myself, but decided to open up my eyes instead. There I was, safe and sound in my little bed, albeit a tad warm. And you thought Lily had bad dreams!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

for the second time...

This morning Roger and I went for a 3 mile hike in the park. My little "dear" friends were waiting for me...13 of them to be exact. So I fed them and was able to pet them for the second time. Their fur is so soft, even though it looks wiry and hard. They're so pretty and it feels so nice to be able to feed them and not have them be afraid of me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

More on My Dear Friends

As noted in my previous post, I really enjoy feeding the deer in the park everyday.
Well, today is a first. I actually pet two on their heads, and they let me! I'm still amazed.

Have a crazy schedule tonight: a big lesson to teach with follow up questions to answer...kind of stressful. How can I relax? I just look back to my morning of petting my dear friends. :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

our forest friends

Roger and I try to walk in the park most days. Not only do we get excerise, but we get to enjoy some of nature's finest...the birds, the lake, the woods, and the deer.
Since we love the animals, we bring a little corn on our walk and are rewarded by several deer who run to us when they hear our voices. You can see why Roger and I so thoroughly enjoy our daily walks in the park.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Time Flies

Wow! It's Monday already. Had quite the weekend. Heidi and Eric and Lara, Jason and Max came for a very SHORT visit. They came Friday at noon and left Saturday afternoon. We had such a nice time, and now they're gone. :( We sure had fun with all of them.

On the up side, we're not empty nesters anymore. Roger and Brittany have moved in for a few weeks while their newly purchased and remodeled house is being completed.
It's fun having them here! While Heidi and Co. were here, the six of us managed a few games of hand and foot. Poor Eric could not get a good hand. Finally before they left, he managed a bit of a coup...

Anyway, it's Monday. Greta and Lily are back from their fun weekend trip to Rochester, Chrissy is home crafting up a ton of pretty flowers, I finished cleaning my house, and now it's February 1st. Where does the time go anyhow?