Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's A Family Affair

Well, we've got Roger and Brittany moved into their newly rennovated and beautifully decorated home. We've got Adam back home from Brazil with Greta and the kids who at this moment are dining with D. Todd Christopherson, of the Quorum of the Twelve. We've got Heidi and her family enjoying an entire day of eating out, bowling, and eating some more, while saving bundles of money from the kids' coupons earned at school. Finally, we've got Chrissy's new and extremely exceptional work of art depicting a plate of china from the elegant collection of Titanic relics. It looks like a picture of a plate instead of a painting of a plate. It's beautiful!

So, here we sit as the proud parents (Dad is in this with me)of hugely successful children. What can we do to celebrate? Buy an RV and move in with them...3 months in one home, 3 months in another, etc., then repeat. How better could we show our offspring just how much we love them and how proud we are of all that they do?


  1. Come on over!!! We'd love to have you here!!!!!!! :) Stay as long as you like!

  2. Yay!!! Let the party begin! When is our rotation???!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Jeff will be so jealous, he has always wanted to live in an RV. I can't wait till you stop in Rochester!
